Week 12 (MKTG 348 OL) - Benefits and Threats of A.I.

Now, I have discussed a lot about how great artificial intelligence is and the advances that are being made, but their are also some harmful aspects to it too. This doesn't mean I don't like A.I., but all things come with the good and the bad, well so does A.I. I am going to tell you some more benefits of it because there are a lot of great things about it, but also the threats that we should be aware of when learning about this. Artificial intelligence had done wonders for the world and continues to do so, but there will always be issues that we face.

Let's start with some of the benefits of A.I., it enhances efficiency within our own technological advancements. For example, A.I. has been helping improve cars and their safety. Another benefit is it adds jobs and strengthens economies, a lot of people think A.I. and robots will actually take jobs from humans, but it won't it will create jobs and people will end up working better with the help of A.I. Some threats are loss of control, if machines become smarter than humans, we could lose control of them. One last threat I will mention is it can create unintended issues and consequences, like killer robots. So we must be smart about the way we use A.I. and how to control it properly to avoid these issues.

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