Week 14 (MKTG 347) - The World of Job-Hunting

When you enter that job-hunting world it is a completely different place than the world of employment. Now I am going to go back to some of the basics of job-hunting to further help some of you. One thing you need to know about this new world is employers change, but job-hunters have not. Employers adapt to the time, they search one way during good times and another during bad times. Also, the average amount of time the job-hunt takes has increased by a lot, nearly 17 to 30 percent of the unemployed spend more than a year looking for a job.

The average amount of time that a job lasts had decreased, which is not a good sign when the job-hunt is taking longer and the length of jobs are becoming shorter. Especially for those between the ages of 18 and 24, their jobs usually last a year or less. You need to know that now a day jobs are paying a lot less than they did in the early 2000's, there is a long list of jobs that do not pay that much. Most of the job-hunting process today takes place online, there are so many employment websites where you can post your information, resumes, and apply to jobs on. These are just some of the basic things one will learn through the job-hunting process.

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Indeed.com is one of the largest employment websites there is today.


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