Week 13 (MKTG 349 OL) - Best SEM Practices

When using search engine marketing as a method for your businesses, these are the best practices to use when doing it. First off, these practices help you get a better understanding of what to focus on when using search engines to market your brand. The first practice is keyword research and analysis, when customers want to know more about something they search it up on the Internet. If you identify the right keywords and think outside the box, your ads will appear on more searches and ones that are related to your product.

Another practice is search engine optimization, after you have gotten your keywords down creating relevant content is the next step. Valuable and exceptional content that relates to your keyword helps get your business to the top. Pay per click is the next practice and it is a paid form of search engine marketing where you place a certain amount of money (bid) to put your ad up. Depending on the amount of money you put in determines when your ad shows up and how long it does each day. All this aspects helps boost a company's profits up and creates better strategies for the SEM method.

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