Week 8 (MKTG 348 OL) - Indexing, Webmaster Tools, and Search Console

Do you ever wonder how Google indexes all of its websites? Say you want to search your own website on Google, you could type in Site:yourdomain.com and it will help narrow down the searches for your website. By making this search smaller it is their way of indexing all the websites on Google. Now creating and managing a website is a lot easier now a day than it was back then, but most businesses with their own website still have someone (usually known as a webmaster) to handle the technical parts of the website.

The technical parts could include working on the web server and other related systems. At times a company could have a very large website which can require a whole team of people to take care of creating and managing it. The Google search console will help you add and manage properties and they will help you make sure everything is on track. If you want an easier way to create a website I recommend Wix.com, it is what I use when I need to create my own. They have many different templates set up for different purposes and you can edit almost everything on there!

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